Sela & Oky
Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
*Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan pada
penulisan nama dan gelar
penulisan nama dan gelar
The first time we met was at the beginning of the month and we were introduced as schoolmates and coincidentally we still have our own stories. Because we are so close, we feel compatible with each other. So we dare to express our feelings in the middle of that year.
After several years of knowing each other, we increasingly convinced each other to go further and introduce each other to their parents.
This year we have gone through trials after trials, since the mother died, she had to share her time well and much more.
After the trials were successful, we decided to continue at a serious level, namely the apply for a girl.
The end of each of our search journeys has come to our stage of starting our story together as a family, which In Syaa Allah we are sure to build together. May our steps always be blessed and pleased by Allah SWT.
1 Hadir 1 Tidak Hadir 1 Masih Ragu